Instantiate File object in Microsoft Edge

Currently IE11, and Edge support the FileAPI but not the File constructor.

In the link that you posted to, there are notes for IE and Edge stating that the File constructor is not supported. I encountered the same issue and my work around was to use Blob instead of File, and then set the type of the blob.

var blob = new Blob([blobContent], {type : 'image/jpeg'});

This is what I did and works

// to change Blob to File
private blobToFile(theBlob: Blob, fileName: string): File {
   const b: any = theBlob;
   b.lastModifiedDate = new Date(); = fileName;
   return b as File;

let file;
if (!navigator.msSaveBlob) { // detect if not Edge
   file = new File([b], document.originalName, { type: document.mimeType });
} else {
   file = new Blob([b], { type: document.mimeType });
   file = this.blobToFile(file, document.originalName);

Now can continue by variable file as a File in Edge or other browsers.