Inversion of Control Container for PHP?

I played with some DI Frameworks for PHP, but I haven't used one in production. Have some links:

  1. which I think is the oldest I tried
  3. FLOW3 - I belive this one will become a very nice framework (its beta right now)

You mentioned you would use it for TDD - so maybe have a look at Dependency Injection for Unit Tests in PHP

Phemto is being developed again, and looks quite promising IMHO.

A few other similar projects, that you might want to look at:

bucket (Disclaimer: I'm the principal author of this one)

The php-port of picocontainer, has been around for a long time. I don't think it's being actively deveoped any more, but on the other hand, I believe that it's quite stable. It's been a long time since I looked at it though.

A rather new project, I recently stumbled upon is Crafty. Not sure how many people uses it though.

I'm also watching sphicy, which looks interesting.

You might also want to try Ding ( which is modeled after Spring(tm) for Java. It is a complete inversion of control and dependency injection container, which also supports AOP


