iOS: Tapping on UITableView does not call didSelectRowAtIndexPath

I encountered a similar issue. iOS 6 appears to be much more sensitive to the slightest upward movement on a tap on a table view cell. It appears it is registering the slightest movement as a scroll request rather than a cell selection. My table view was set to scrollEnabled = NO because it is a table view with static selection values. The table view appears within a small area of a larger iPad view. If I carefully tap a cell and lift directly up, the cell is selected.

To resolve it, I changed scrollEnabled to YES and made sure the area dedicated to my tableView was larger than the actual area needed to show the table view, thus preventing it from scrolling. Not sure if this is is the cause of the issue you are experiencing, but hope it helps.

I was having this issue with an app when running in iOS6. The tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: method was never being triggered, even though it was working before updating to iOS6.

I finally figured it out by looking at the xib and the attribute inspector for the table. In the Table View section I had the Selection option set to No Selection and Show Selection on Touch was not selected.

Changing the Selection option to Single Selection actually got this working for me again and leaving the Show Selection on Touch unselected means that I don't see any flash or change of colour when the row is selected.