Is ANZLIC Metadata supported using the new approach of ArcGIS 10.x?

There is an ANZLIC Compliant Metadata Editor for ArcGIS 10.2 available for download from Esri Australia as its Metadata Editing Tool.

Versions for ArcGIS 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 and 10.5 can be downloaded from the same link.

i'm having the same issue with ANZMET xmls and thought i'd pass on this info i found at link:

If an ESRI software user has an Enterprise License Agreement (ELA) including ArcGIS Server products then the ANZLIC Metadata Profile functionality in the GeoPortal Server Extension for ArcGIS Server is included at no additional charge. For other ArcGIS Server users, charges apply, and for more information contact Eagle Technology (Parker Jones,, 04 802 1036).