Is it possible to change the log level of an AWS Lambda at runtime?

Yes it's possible! You need to take care of two things:

  • One, update your lambda environment variable
  • Two, ensure that log4j will pick up the update

For the first problem, all you need to do is pass a lambda environment variable with name JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS and value "-DLOG_LEVEL=DEBUG".

For the second point, you can add this to your Java project src/main/resources/ with content something like

log4j.rootCategory=${LOG_LEVEL}, LAMBDA
LOG_PATTERN=[%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS}] boot%X{context} ${LOG_LEVEL_PATTERN} [%t] - %c{1}: %m%n

And that's it!

If everything goes well you should soon see in your logs a line reading something like


and hopefully start seeing some debug statements.

Notice how LOG_LEVEL is embedded in the value of the lambda variable as opposed to being the variable name. This is a useful indirect way to feed JVM arguments down a lambda which you can then use as system properties. Kudos to

I was able to resolve this by using the amazon version of log4j2, and making a change to the log4j2.xml configuration file Add these dependencies to maven


use the environment variable in the level of the logger in the configuration

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Lambda name="Lambda">
                <pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %X{AWSRequestId} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n</pattern>
        <Root level="${env:LOG_LEVEL}">
            <AppenderRef ref="Lambda" />

finally, use the log4j2 logger in the lambda itself

import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;

public class MyLambdaHandler implements RequestHandler<Void, Void> {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(MyLambdaHandler .class);

    public Void handleRequest(Void myVoid, Context context) {

        LOGGER.error("Log info enabled: {}", LOGGER.isInfoEnabled());"Info messge");
        LOGGER.error("Log error enabled: {}",  LOGGER.isErrorEnabled());
        LOGGER.error("Error Message");
        LOGGER.error("Log trace enabled: {}",  LOGGER.isTraceEnabled());
        LOGGER.trace("trace message");
        LOGGER.error("Log warning enabled: {}",  LOGGER.isWarnEnabled());
        LOGGER.warn("warn message");
        LOGGER.error("Log debug enabled: {}",  LOGGER.isDebugEnabled());
        LOGGER.debug("debug message");
        return null;



then set the LOG_LEVEL environment variable to the appropriate level to see the the relevant entries in the logs