Is it possible to emulate the notch from the Huawei P20 with Android Studio
Follow the screen shots.
first make sure 9.0 (api 28) run in your Emulater or testing device.
- Open System settings.
- Open Developer option (*if u not found developer option please tap 7 times on build number. after that you get developer option.)
- Scroll Down Until You Found -> Simulate a Display With a Cutout(click on it)
- there is a multiple option to select screen Cutout style.
- if you select Tall Display Cutout , your display is like that.
or if you select Double Display Cutout your display like.
So I googled around and it's actually possible to emulate the notch in the developer preview of Android P.
To develope against that, you need to setup an emulator running Android P and then set the notch simulation in the developer settings of android.
Here is the official article to setup that notch simulation in Android P Cutout API
Once that is done you can start testing and adapting to the new changes coming with these notches and Android P.