Is it possible to query for datetime ranges with the Stripe API?

If you're looking how to do so with the ruby client, here it is:

Stripe::Charge.all(limit: 100, 'created[lt]' => timestamps })

Yes. From

created: A filter on the list based on the events created date. The value can be a string with an exact UTC timestamp, or it can be a dictionary with the following options:

gt (optional) Return values should have been created after this timestamp.

gte (optional) Return values should have been created after or equal to this timestamp.

lt (optional) Return values should have been created before this timestamp.

lte (optional) Return values should have been created before or equal to this timestamp.

So with curl, you can build a request like this:

curl "" \
 -u ${YOUR_API_KEY}:

The unescaped query parameter is created[lt]=1337923293.