Is it possible to use TensorFlow C++ API on Windows?

It is certainly possible to use TensorFlow's C++ API on Windows, but it is not currently very easy. Right now, the easiest way to build against the C++ API on Windows would be to build with CMake, and adapt the CMake rules for the tf_tutorials_example_trainer project (see the source code here). Building with CMake will give you a Visual Studio project in which you can implement your C++ TensorFlow program.

Note that the tf_tutorials_example_trainer project builds a Console Application that statically links all of the TensorFlow runtime into your program. At present we have not written the necessary rules to create a reusable TensorFlow DLL, although this would be technially possible: for example, the Python extension is a DLL that includes the runtime, but does not export the necessary symbols to use TensorFlow's C or C++ APIs directly.

There is a detailed guide by Joe Antognini and a similar TensorFlow ReadMe at GitHub explaining the building of TensorFlow source via CMake. You also need to have SWIG installed on your machine which allows connecting C/C++ source with the Python scripting language. I did use Visual CMAKE (cmake-gui) with the screen capture shown below.

cmake-gui setup (with SWIG) for building TensorFlow C++ source with Visual Studio

In the CMake configuration, I used Visual Studio 15 2017 compiler. Once this stage successfully completes, you can click on the Generate button to go ahead with the actual build process.

However, on Visual Studio 2015, when I attempted building via the "ALL_BUILD" project, the setup gave me "build tools for v141 cannot be found" error. This did not go away even when I attempted to retarget my solution. Finally, the solution got built successfully with Visual Studio 2017. You also need to manually set the SWIG_EXECUTABLE path in CMake before it successfully configures.

As indicated in the Antognini link, for me the build took about half an hour on a 16GB RAM, Core i7 machine. Once done, you might want to validate your build by attempting to run the tf_tutorials_example_trainer.exe file.

Hope this helps!