Is there a better way to have optional function arguments in Haskell?

When arguments get too complex, one solution is to create a data type just for the arguments. Then you can create a default constructor for that type, and fill in only what you want to replace in your function calls.


$ runhaskell dog.hs 
Snoopy (Beagle): Ruff!
Snoopy (Beagle): Ruff!
Wishbone (Terrier): Ruff!
Wishbone (Terrier): Ruff!
Wishbone (Terrier): Ruff!


#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell

import Control.Monad (replicateM_)

data Dog = Dog {
        name :: String,
        breed :: String,
        barks :: Int

defaultDog :: Dog
defaultDog = Dog {
        name = "Dog",
        breed = "Beagle",
        barks = 2

bark :: Dog -> IO ()
bark dog = replicateM_ (barks dog) $ putStrLn $ (name dog) ++ " (" ++ (breed dog) ++ "): Ruff!"

main :: IO ()
main = do
    bark $ defaultDog {
            name = "Snoopy",
            barks = 2

    bark $ defaultDog {
            name = "Wishbone",
            breed = "Terrier",
            barks = 3

I don't know of a better way to solve the underlying problem, but your example can be written more succinctly as:

multiProduct req1 opt1 opt2 opt3 = req1 * opt1' * opt2' * opt3'
    where opt1' = fromMaybe 10 opt1
          opt2' = fromMaybe 20 opt2
          opt3' = fromMaybe 30 opt3

Perhaps some nice notation would be easier on the eyes:

(//) :: Maybe a -> a -> a
Just x  // _ = x
Nothing // y = y
-- basically fromMaybe, just want to be transparent

multiProduct req1 opt1 opt2 opt3 = req1 * (opt1 // 10) * (opt2 // 20) * (opt3 // 30)

If you need to use the parameters more than once, I suggest going with @pat's method.

EDIT 6 years later

With ViewPatterns you can put the defaults on the left.

{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

def :: a -> Maybe a -> a
def = fromMaybe

multiProduct :: Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Int
multiProduct req1 (def 10 -> opt1) (def 20 -> opt2) (def 30 -> opt3)
  = req1 * opt1 * opt2 * opt3

Here's yet another way to do optional arguments in Haskell:

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Optional where

class Optional1 a b r where 
  opt1 :: (a -> b) -> a -> r

instance Optional1 a b b where
  opt1 = id

instance Optional1 a b (a -> b) where
  opt1 = const

class Optional2 a b c r where 
  opt2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> a -> b -> r

instance Optional2 a b c c where
  opt2 = id

instance (Optional1 b c r) => Optional2 a b c (a -> r) where
  opt2 f _ b = \a -> opt1 (f a) b

{- Optional3, Optional4, etc defined similarly -}


{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Main where
import Optional

foo :: (Optional2 Int Char String r) => r
foo = opt2 replicate 3 'f'

_5 :: Int
_5 = 5

main = do
  putStrLn $ foo        -- prints "fff"
  putStrLn $ foo _5     -- prints "fffff"
  putStrLn $ foo _5 'y' -- prints "yyyyy"

Update: Whoops, I got accepted. I honestly think that luqui's answer is the best one here:

  • the type is clear, and easy to read, even for beginners
  • same for type errors
  • GHC doesn't need hints to do type inference with it (try opt2 replicate 3 'f' in ghci to see what I mean)
  • the optional arguments are order-independent

