Is there a function similar to setTimeout() (JavaScript) for PHP?
There's the sleep
function, which pauses the script for a determined amount of time.
See also usleep
, time_nanosleep
and time_sleep_until
There is no way to delay execution of part of the code of in the current script. It wouldn't make much sense, either, as the processing of a PHP script takes place entirely on server side and you would just delay the overall execution of the script. There is sleep()
but that will simply halt the process for a certain time.
You can, of course, schedule a PHP script to run at a specific time using cron jobs and the like.
PHP isn't event driven, so a setTimeout doesn't make much sense. You can certainly mimic it and in fact, someone has written a Timer class you could use. But I would be careful before you start programming in this way on the server side in PHP.
A few things I'd like to note about timers in PHP:
1) Timers in PHP make sense when used in long-running scripts (daemons and, maybe, in CLI scripts). So if you're not developing that kind of application, then you don't need timers.
2) Timers can be blocking and non-blocking. If you're using sleep()
, then it's a blocking timer, because your script just freezes for a specified amount of time.
For many tasks blocking timers are fine. For example, sending statistics every 10 seconds. It's ok to block the script:
while (true) {
3) Non-blocking timers make sense only in event driven apps, like websocket-server. In such applications an event can occur at any time (e.g incoming connection), so you must not block your app with sleep()
For this purposes there are event-loop libraries, like reactphp/event-loop, which allows you to handle multiple streams in a non-blocking fashion and also has timer/ interval feature.
4) Non-blocking timeouts in PHP are possible.
It can be implemented by means of stream_select()
function with timeout parameter (see how it's implemented in reactphp/event-loop StreamSelectLoop::run()).
5) There are PHP extensions like libevent
, libev
, event
which allow timers implementation (if you want to go hardcore)