Is there a Perl module or technique that makes using long namespaces easier?

The aliased pragma does this:

use aliased 'FooFoo::BarBar::BazBaz::Bill';

my $bill = Bill->new;

aliased is syntactic sugar for

use constant Bill => 'FooFoo::BarBar::BazBaz::Bill';
# or 
sub Bill () {'FooFoo::BarBar::BazBaz::Bill'}

The downside of this is that normal usage of package names as arguments is done with quoted strings:


But the constant subroutine needs to be a bare word:


Which just seems like a bug waiting to happen.

Alternatively, you could just use Perl's builtin support for namespace aliasing:

package Foo::Bar::Baz::Bill;

sub new {bless {}}

package Foo::Bar::Baz::Tom;

sub new {bless {}}

package main;

BEGIN {*FBB:: = *Foo::Bar::Baz::}  # the magic happens here

say FBB::Bill->new;  # Foo::Bar::Baz::Bill=HASH(0x80fd10)

say FBB::Tom->new;   # Foo::Bar::Baz::Tom=HASH(0xfd1080)

Regarding the ->isa('shortname') requirement, the aliased stash method works with quoted strings as usual:

my $obj = FBB::Bill->new;

say $obj->isa('FBB::Bill');           # prints 1
say $obj->isa('Foo::Bar::Baz::Bill'); # prints 1

The effect of a compile time alias BEGIN {*short:: = *long::package::name::} is global across all packages and scopes. This is fine as long as you pick an empty package to alias into.