Is there a way to change the font in the status bar Sublime Text 3?

It's only possible to do in the .sublime-theme file:

// Status bar label
    "class": "label_control",
    "parents": [{"class": "status_bar"}],
    "color": [140,140,140],
    "font.size": 11,
    "font.face": "Droid Sans Mono"

If you can't find any .sublime-theme, mentioned in accepted answer:

(To make it explicitly clear:)

  • Override any current theme by creating a Default.sublime-theme file under \Data\Packages\User\:

    [Sublime Text 3 Install dir] \Data\Packages\User\Default.sublime-theme
  • In that file, include something like the mentioned settings, but

    must surround with square brackets '[', ']':

      // Status bar label
          "class": "label_control",
          "parents": [{"class": "status_bar"}],
          "color": [130, 130, 130],
          "font.size" : 22