Is there a way to copy from the clipboard in android into terminal?

Android Terminal Editor (Jack Palevich), in the Android market, allows you to paste content saved to your clipboard (on the actual device) into the command line.

In your case, after copying the URL from the browser, open up the terminal and long-press anywhere in the terminal until a box pops up with a list of options. The list should have a paste option, and it will paste the last thing added to your clipboard.

Also, you don't need root to use it for basic commands.

friend as direct way .. I don't think its possible .. but here two ideas how you may implement your target: First ONE: programmatically:

1-copy any address you'd like from browser and anything..

2-develop an application/service copies your copied text to logCat

ClipboardManager clipboard = (ClipboardManager) getSystemService(CLIPBOARD_SERVICE); 
                String copytext=clipboard.getText().toString();
                Log.v("URLS", copytext);

3-so link on logcat, filter it by URLS and get all your links .. 4-may be you will need to trim text from other information you got in log cat, if you hate this, you can send results to file by:

adb logcat -s URLS > fileName

so you may find this file where you execute this command, lets say @ /home/user/, so file @ this folder .. if you need to go further, develop a program(in any language) to read this file and get the last line, and add it to your clipboard on your operation system.

so you have it ..

Second solution:with browser. just sync your chrome browser with you gmail.. bookmark link and you have @ your desktop chrome browser :-) and thats done.

good luck...