Is there another simple way to append line to end of file other than `>>`?

Set the shell's noclobber option:

bash-3.2$ set -o noclobber
bash-3.2$ echo hello >foo
bash-3.2$ echo hello >foo
bash: foo: cannot overwrite existing file

If you are worried your file will be damaged by > operator you can change your file attribute to append only:
In ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem: chattr +a file.txt
In XFS filesystem: echo chattr +a | xfs_io file.txt

And if you want a function, I made a function for myself already (I used it in service file for logging outputs), You can change it for your purpose:

# This function redirect logs to file or terminal or both!
#@ USAGE: log option data
# To the file     -f file
# To the terminal -t
function log(){
        read -r data       # Read data from pipe line

        [[ -z ${indata} ]] && return 1    # Return 1 if data is null

        # Log to /var/log/messages
        logger -i -t SOFTWARE ${data}

        # While loop for traveling on the arguments
        while [[ ! -z "$*" ]]; do
                case "$1" in
                                # Writting data to the terminal
                                printf "%s\n" "${data}"
                                # Writting (appending) data to given log file address
                                printf "%s %s\n" "[$(date +"%D %T")] ${data}" >> ${fileadd}
                shift           # Shifting arguments

Use tee with the append option:

foo | tee -a some-file
# or
tee -a some-file <<EOF
blah blah
# or 
tee -a some-file <<<"blah blah"