Is this an instance of any existing convex pentagonal tilings?

There are two questions here:

Q1) Which convex pentagons tile the plane?

Q2) What are all tilings of the plane by copies of a single convex pentagon?

The Wikipedia page you cite concerns Question 1 (though it could make this more explicit); Q1 is contained in Q2, and likely more tractable: once we know that a pentagon tiles the plane, it might still be hard to describe all tilings.

That is the case for your pentagon, which has two parallel sides and is thus contained in Type 1. It is a special case of Type 1 that allows further tilings such as the one you found, but that's a Q2 distinction and doesn't affect Q1.

The pentagon tiling problem is just settled by Michaël Rao: The list of $15$ types is complete. See the Natalie Wolchover article in Quanta.

"Exhaustive search of convex pentagons which tile the plane": link.

2 generalizations of the tiling I posted in the original question:

enter image description here

enter image description here