Iterate through alphabet in Swift
In Swift, you can iterate chars on a string like this:
Swift 2
for char in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".characters {
Swift 1.2
for char in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" {
There might be a better way though.
It's slightly cumbersome, but the following works (Swift 3/4):
for value in UnicodeScalar("a").value...UnicodeScalar("z").value { print(UnicodeScalar(value)!) }
I suspect that the problem here is that the meaning of "a"..."z" could potentially be different for different string encodings.
(Older stuff)
Also cumbersome, but without the extra intermediate variable:
for letter in map(UnicodeScalar("a").value...UnicodeScalar("z").value, {(val: UInt32) -> UnicodeScalar in return UnicodeScalar(val); })