Java Minimax Alpha-Beta Pruning Recursion Return

I noticed you said you found the problem but shouldnt the minimax alpha beta pruning be

if it is MAX's turn to move
  for child in children
     result = alphaBetaMinimax(child, alpha, beta)
     if result > alpha
        alpha = result
        if node is root
           bestMove = operator of child
     if alpha >= beta
        return alpha
  return alpha

if it is MIN's turn to move
  for child in children
     result = alphaBetaMinimax(child, alpha, beta)
     if result < beta
        beta = result
        if node is root
           bestMove = operator of child
     if beta <= alpha
        return beta
  return beta

you wrote:

  if alpha >= beta
    return beta
return alpha

You already fixed your problem, but the problem you encountered is pretty common. So whenever you build a part of the algorithm for an AI agent, you have to test it properly. So once your minimax algorithm is correct, you can just generate many random trees and check whether the results are the same. For example in python you can do this in this way:

class Node():
    def __init__(self, data, children): = data
        self.children = children

def generateTree(depth, branching):
    total = branching**depth
    values = [randint(-100, 100) for _ in xrange(total)]
    level = [Node(values[i], []) for i in xrange(total)]

    for _ in xrange(depth):
        total /= branching
        level = [Node(None, level[i * branching: (i+1) * branching]) for i in xrange(total)]

    return level[0], values

Now you can generate a tree with many random trees and compare the results.

tree, values = generateTree(depth, branching)
print negamax(tree, depth, 1) == alpha_beta_negamax(tree, depth, float('-inf'), float('inf'), 1)

Do not forget that minimax and alpha-beta return just the best value, whereas what you are interested in a real game is a move. It is straightforward to modify them in such a way that they can return a move, but this is up to a developer to decide how the move is returned. This is because there can be many moves that lead to the best solution (you can return the first one, last one or the most common one is to find all the moves and to return the random one).

In your case the problem was with the randomness of the returned values, so during the testing the good approach is to fix randomness.

On March 16, 2013, sage88 asked:

Is there a trick to recovering multiple integer values from recursive calls in a for loop? It works fine with both my minimax and negamax implementations, but alpha-beta pruning seems to produce some strange results.

In alpha beta pruning, the only output value of interest is a node's score: the final value of beta in a min node is considered for the alpha value of its parent max node; likewise, the final value of alpha in a max node is considered for the beta value of its parent min node. Therefore:

The answer to your question is the algorithm itself, as it's the most relevant trick.

That said, there are two errors in your implementation: 1) As Adrian Blackburn originally pointed out, it's incorrectly returning alpha from a min node and vice-versa, thereby skewing its accuracy; 2) It's giving up pruning opportunities by prematurely considering the parent alpha or beta in the current node's value. This version fixes the return values and maximizes pruning:

private int miniMax(GameTreeNode currentNode, int depth, int alpha, int beta) {
    if (depth <= 0 || terminalNode(currentNode.getState())) {
        return getHeuristic(currentNode.getState());
    if (currentNode.getState().getCurrentPlayer().equals(selfColor)) {
        int currentAlpha = -INFINITY;
        for (GameTreeNode child : currentNode.getChildren()) {
            currentAlpha = Math.max(currentAlpha, miniMax(child, depth - 1, alpha, beta));
            alpha = Math.max(alpha, currentAlpha);
            if (alpha >= beta) {
                return alpha;
        return currentAlpha;
    int currentBeta = INFINITY;
    for (GameTreeNode child : currentNode.getChildren()) {
        currentBeta = Math.min(currentBeta, miniMax(child, depth - 1, alpha, beta));
        beta = Math.min(beta, currentBeta);
        if (beta <= alpha) {
            return beta;
    return currentBeta;

Thanks for contributing a fun and interesting question :)

For more fun, here's a clarification of your move() method, removing a redundant call to Math.max():

public GameState move(GameState state) {
    GameState bestMove = null;
    int bestScore = -INFINITY;
    GameTreeNode gameTreeRoot = new GameTreeNode(state);
    for (GameTreeNode child : gameTreeRoot.getChildren()) {
        int alpha = miniMax(child, plyDepth - 1, bestScore, INFINITY);
        if (alpha > bestScore || bestMove == null) {
            bestMove = child.getState();
            bestScore = alpha;
    return bestMove;

Finally (even more fun), just a suggestion, a method name change to clarify the intent of terminalNode(), though I would move this into GameState so it could be called with no parameters:

private boolean isTerminal(GameState state) {
    //return Is.any(state.getStatus(), win, lose, draw);
    return state.getStatus().equals(win)
        || state.getStatus().equals(lose)
        || state.getStatus().equals(draw);