javascript - get the filename and extension from input type=file

Use lastIndexOf to get the last \ as an index and use substr to get the remaining string starting from the last index of \

function getFile(filePath) {
        return filePath.substr(filePath.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1).split('.')[0];

    function getoutput() {
        outputfile.value = getFile(inputfile.value);
        extension.value = inputfile.value.split('.')[1];
<input id='inputfile' type='file' name='inputfile' onChange='getoutput()'><br>
    Output Filename <input id='outputfile' type='text' name='outputfile'><br>
    Extension <input id='extension' type='text' name='extension'>


function getFileNameWithExt(event) {

  if (!event || ! || ! || === 0) {

  const name =[0].name;
  const lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.');

  const fileName = name.substring(0, lastDot);
  const ext = name.substring(lastDot + 1);

  outputfile.value = fileName;
  extension.value = ext;
<input id='inputfile' type='file' name='inputfile' onChange='getFileNameWithExt(event)'><br>
  Output Filename <input id='outputfile' type='text' name='outputfile'><br>
  Extension <input id='extension' type='text' name='extension'>

var filePath = $("#inputFile").val(); 
var file_ext = filePath.substr(filePath.lastIndexOf('.')+1,filePath.length);
console.log("File Extension ->-> "+file_ext);

It will work if you have dots in filename.

You could try this out:

var fullPath = inputfile.value.split('.')[0];
var filename = fullPath.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '');

This should remove everything except the filename.

I got it from How to get the file name from a full path using JavaScript?.

This is bit old post...just for info

   var files =
   var filename = files[0].name
   var extension = files[0].type

In the type you will find the extension for eg: if it is jpeg image then,

extension = image/jpeg

or if pdf then,

extension = application/pdf

To obtain the exact value, perform extension.replace(/(.*)\//g, ''). you will get the value.