Javascript recursion settimeout

I would be very suspicious of the second setTimeout call. I would make it clearer by using an explicit function vs. a string expression

setTimeout(function() { delay(arr, number); }, 1000);

The problem is that when you pass in strings to be evaluated to the setTimeout call, the evaluation will be done (later, when it's time to fire) in the global context. Thus, you're way better off (for a lot of other reasons) passing in actual functions:

setTimeout(function() { delay(images, 0); }, 2000);

function delay(arr, num) {
  document.slide.src = arr[num % 3];
  setTimeout(function() { delay(arr, num + 1); }, 1000);

In more modern browsers, you can use the .bind() method for functions to create a function that's pre-bound to something to be used as this:

setTimeout(delay.bind({arr: images, num: 0}), 2000);

function delay() {
  document.slide.src = this.arr[this.num % 3];
  setTimeout(delay.bind({arr: this.arr, num: this.num + 1}), 1000);

Six of one, half-dozen of the other, but just as an example that shows there are multiple ways to do things.