Kill a process with a specific "Command Line" from command line
In Windows XP you can do this easily using WMIC, the WMI Console. From a command prompt, type the following:
wmic Path win32_process Where "CommandLine Like '%-jar selenium-server.jar%'" Call Terminate
I replaced the alias 'process' by it full path ('path win32_process') as is Aviator's port. Note: This alias may not be declared on every OS.
If you are using a Windows version which has WMIC command in it. You can try this
wmic path win32_process Where "Caption Like '%java.exe%' AND CommandLine Like '%selenium.jar%'" get ProcessId|more +1
The more +1
removes first line containing the header and prints the PID alone. If there are more than one java process containing selenium.jar then this will return one PID per line.
I believe you could do this with PowerShell using Get-Process and the StartInfo.Arguments on the process you want.
$procs = Get-Process java
foreach($proc in $procs)
if($proc.StartInfo.Arguments -contains "-jar selenium-server.jar")
kill $proc
(I haven't tested that completely, but you should be able to tweak it to make it work)