Knowledge indicators

Building on A.Ellet's answer to produce something as required (three rectangles always in each group; green ones will show the skill level):

enter image description here

The code:



\foreach \Val in {1,2,3}
  \node[fill=colori,inner ysep=0pt] 
  at ([yshift=2*\Val]0,\Val pt) {};
\foreach \Val in {1,...,#1}
  \node[fill=colorii,inner ysep=0pt] 
  at ([yshift=2*\Val]0,\Val pt) {};



German  &  \skilllevel{2}    \\
Latin  &  \skilllevel{1}     \\
Japanese  &  \skilllevel{3}  \\


Perhaps the following modification is less confusing (see Andrew Cashner's comment):



\foreach \Val in {1,2,3}
  \node[draw,fill=white,inner ysep=1pt] 
  at ([yshift=2*\Val]0,\Val pt) {};
\foreach \Val in {1,...,#1}
  \node[draw,fill=colorii,inner ysep=1pt] 
  at ([yshift=2*\Val]0,\Val pt) {};


German  &  \skilllevel{2}    \\
Latin  &  \skilllevel{1}     \\
Japanese  &  \skilllevel{3}  \\


enter image description here

Just for fun, with picture mode:


    \textcolor{gray!15}{\multiput(0, 0.15)(0, 0.6){3}{\line(1,0){1}}}
    \multiput(0, 0.15)(0, 0.6){#1}{\line(1,0){1}}

  \item German \skill[3]
  \item English \skill[2]
  \item Chinese \skill[1]
  \item Default \skill
Testing \skill[1], winning \skill[2], and excellence \skill[3].

enter image description here

With stacks. I have chosen to keep the answer within the confines of normal line spacing, but that can be changed by invoking \setstackgap{L}{desired-baselineskip}. The bar thicknesses (1pt) and widths (1ex) are set within the \rl and \rlf definitions (as well as the colors). The vertical space between bars is set with \setstackgap{S}{1.5pt} and the gap between the words and the bars is set via \setstacktabbedgap{1ex}.

  \if 1#1\stackon{\stackon{\rl}{\rlf}}{\rlf}\else
    \if 2#1\stackon{\stackon{\rl}{\rl}}{\rlf}\else
      \if 3#1\stackon{\stackon{\rl}{\rl}}{\rl}\else

enter image description here

If one doesn't feel confortable with TABstacks, ordinary stacks can be used to achieve the same result by



