Latex Figures appear before text in pandoc markdown

This is most likely because the figure environment floats, which is not what you're after. For this you have a couple of options:

  1. Add the float package which provides the H float specifier, allowing you to use


    stopping the float from moving around.

  2. Add the caption (or the super-tiny capt-of) package and wrap your figure inside a minipage to keep the image and caption together. Use it as follows:


For more information on the placement of figures, see How to influence the position of float environments like figure and table in LaTeX? and Keeping tables/figures close to where they are mentioned.

The above proposals are purely LaTeX-driven.

If you want to manage this within pandoc, consider adding the following to a file called float_adjustment.tex and place it in your project folder:


Then include this file as part of your preamble using the pandoc header

title: "A title"
author: "An author"
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B %Y')`"
    fig_caption: yes        
      in_header: figure_placement.tex

All figures should be forced in-place via the [H]ERE float specification.

A simple solution is to add a line with a backslash and space immediately after the figure, followed by a blank line:

![Alt text](image.png)

Some text after the figure...

Do not forget the space after the backslash! This seems to work on Pandoc

Edit: as pointed out in the comments, this will suppress figure captions.

I don't like the solution to use a 2-step compilation (Latex -> sed -> pdf).

You can overwrite the figure environment in your Latex template:

% Overwrite \begin{figure}[htbp] with \begin{figure}[H]

In this way you can still use the direct pdf generation.