Biblatex and entries with no date

You can add the following hooks to your preamble:

\newcommand{\mkbibnodate}{n\adddot d\adddot}

With biber, you can achieve the same result with the source map:


Both of these approaches are style-independent so they should work for authoryear and any of its variants.

The above sourcemap is based on the default labelyear specification:


Currently \DeclareLabelyear does not support literal strings, but something like the following would be useful:


I've added a feature request for this at the biblatex github repository.

Please try biblatex 2.6/biber 1.6 development versions from SourceForge. This set up is now the default and there is a new localisation string "nodate" which defaults to "n.d." in all languages currently. \DeclareLabelyear is now the more general:


but you shouldn't need to worry about that unless you are a style author using this macro. With these versions, your example gives the following without any extra coding:

enter image description here

Changing the "nodate" localisation string for your language will change the "n.d." in both the references and citation.



