LaTeX symbol for the Kulkarni-Nomizu product

You can combine \bigcirc with \wedge.

Of course, you can also create and use a new command. The result is, obviously, the same with or without the new command.


However, with \mspace the symbol becomes misaligned when used in \scriptstyle or - worse - in \scriptscriptstyle.

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}

% Of course, you can create...

h \mathbin{\bigcirc\mspace{-15mu}\wedge\mspace{3mu}} k
% ... and use a new command:
h \KN k
x_{h \KN k}
y_{x_{h \KN k}}

See the output:

enter image description here

A solution with \ooalign.




$h \owedge k_{h \owedge k_{h \owedge k}}$


enter image description here