LaTeX truth tables

Charcoal, 70 bytes


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Save this string in a variable to avoid duplication.


Print the initial \tabular{*2c|c} line (2 or whatever value the first input q has).


Get the first q letters from the predefined variable b and insert &s between them, then append the &F\\ and also print \hline on the next line.


Loop over the characters in the second input. For each one, its index is converted to binary with length q, the character is concatenated, the result is joined with &s and \\ is appended. The resulting strings are implicitly printed on separate lines.


Print the \endtabular. (The is just a separator as the deverbosifier forgots to insert a ¦.)

Python 2, 153 bytes

lambda n,l:r'\tabular{*%dc|c}%s&F\\\hline%s\endtabular'%(n,q(map(chr,range(97,97+n))),r'\\'.join(q(bin(2**n+i)[3:]+x)for i,x in enumerate(l)))

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Outputs like


\tabular and \endtabular are used as shorter \begin{tabular} and \end{tabular}, as per this LaTeX golf tip. The *2c is a shorthand to define 2 columns.

Haskell, 164 155 bytes

n#r=unlines$("\\tabular{"++('c'<$[1..n])++"|c}"):take n['a'..]%'F':"\\hline":zipWith(%)(mapM id$"01"<$[1..n])r++["\\endtabular"]

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unlines                               -- take a list of strings and join it with NL.
                                      -- the strings are:
   "\\tabular{"++('c'<$[1..n])++"|c}" -- tabular definition with n times 'c'
   take n['a'..]%'F'                  -- table header
   "\\hline"                          -- hline
   zipWith(%)(mapM id$"01"<$[1..n])r  -- table content
   ["\\endtabular"]                   -- end of tabular definition

Table header and content are built via function '%'

s%f=                                  -- take a string 's' and a char 'f'
    ((:"&")=<<s)                      -- append a "&" to each char in 's'
    ++f:"\\\\"                        -- and append 'f' and two backslashes

Table header:

take n['a'..] % 'F'                   -- s: the first n letters from the alphabet
                                      -- f: char 'F'
Table content:

zipWith(%)                            -- apply '%' pairwise to
    mapM id$"01"<$[1..n]              -- all combinations of '0' and '1' of length n
    r                                 -- and the string 'r' 

Edit: using \tabular instead of \begin{tabular} (stolen from @xnor's answer).



Code Golf