Length-encode a string

JavaScript (ES6), 61 bytes


Recursive function that does the following:

  • If d is less than or equal to remaining string length divided by 2:

    Append * to output and multiply d by 2

  • Else:

    Shift the string and append to output, subtract 1 from d.

See it in action:


input.oninput = e => output.innerHTML = f(input.value);
<input id="input" type="text"/>
<p id="output"></p>

Pyth, 29 27 (Noticed broken) 27 26 25 bytes


Explanation to come.

Test Suite

Pyth (36 27 bytes)

Thanks to Jakube for a 9 byte improvement! Currently not as good as muddyfish's answer, but whatever


Test Suite

Translation to python:

                            | z=input() #occurs by default
Klz                         | K=len(z)
   J1                       | J=1
     Vz                     | for N in z:
       WgKyJ                |   while K >= J*2:
            p\*             |     print("*", end="")
               =yJ          |     J=J*2
                  )         |     #end inside while
                   pN       |   print(N, end="")
                     =tK    |   K=K-1
                        =tJ |   J=J-1