Lever Simulator 2015

Javascript ES6, 62 Bytes

  • -1 if left is heavier
  • 0 if balanced
  • 1 if right is heavier


  Math.sign(                     // output sign of weight of lever
    [...s].reduce((p,c,i)=>      // split and reduce input
      p+~~c*(i-s.indexOf`^`),0)) // add weights of all elements
                                 //   (elements left of pivot are negatively weighted)

Test runs (assigning anonymous function to f):

>> f("11   ^9")
<< 0

>> f("321^  12")
<< -1

>> f("9^         1")
<< 1

  • -11 bytes: changed output from R B L to -1 0 1
  • -3 bytes: changed e.split`` to [...e] (thanks @Vɪʜᴀɴ)
  • -33 bytes: changed algorithm to use negative weights rather than splitting at pivot
  • -9 bytes: removed pivot check (apparently, ~~'^' evaluates to 0...)
  • -2 bytes: made function anonymous (thanks @cᴏɴᴏʀ-obʀɪᴇɴ)

Python 2, 69 bytes

lambda s:cmp(sum(ord(c)%16*(i-s.find('^'))for i,c in enumerate(s)),0)

The modulus ord(c)%16 extracts the value of a digit character while getting 0 for space. For each character, its torque contribution is computed as its weight times the signed distance to the pivot i-s.find('^'), and these are summed and compared to 0, producing one of -1,0,1. The character ^ is computed to have weight 14, but that doesn't matter because it's on the pivot.

An 18-byte Pyth port by Maltysen:


For the Python code, if a full program is required, here's 79 bytes. The idea is to start the index i shifted by s.find('^'), and have it count down.

for c in s:t-=ord(c)%16*i;i-=1
print cmp(t,0)

APL, 39 30 bytes


After rereading the rules, I've changed this to output -1 0 1 instead of L B R, saving nine bytes.

Try it here.