Limerick Hello World
A rhyming program I wrote this poem of whitespace and bloat because newlines don't count despite the amount so deserves your sincerest upvote
Wikipedia: Whitespace (programming language)
Online Interpreter to Test Answer
Hello World
> Hello World! I'm a goat
</span></body></html><!-- Pecan -->
I had to get a little liberal with pronunciation of the last line. I hope it doesn't break the rules. It's also not 100% valid per W3C, but works in most browsers.
less than aich tee em el greater than,
less than body not equal to span,
class equals quote poem end quote,
greater than Hello World Bang I'm a goat
close span close body close root comment pecan
I know this isn't within the rules, but I couldn't resist
var girl, attractive = true; // There once was a beautiful girl
var boy; girl = ' World'; // And a boy who thought she was his world
boy = 'Hello' + girl; // When the boy said hello
if (boy != attractive) // She said 'my goodness no!'
alert(window['boy']); // And the boy through the window she hurled.