LINQ to SQL Join issues

Try to specify the same join key names e.g.

join pop in dc.POPTransactions on new { Key1 = s.ID, Key2 = syncNo } equals new {Key1 = pop.AccountID, Key2 = pop.SyncNo }

From the MSDN docs:

Type inference on composite keys depends on the names of the properties in the keys, and the order in which they occur. If the properties in the source sequences do not have the same names, you must assign new names in the keys. For example, if the Orders table and OrderDetails table each used different names for their columns, you could create composite keys by assigning identical names in the anonymous types:

join...on new {Name = o.CustomerName, ID = o.CustID} equals 
   new {Name = d.CustName, ID = d.CustID }