List all devices, partitions and volumes in Powershell

To get all of the file system drives, you can use the following command:

gdr -PSProvider 'FileSystem'

gdr is an alias for Get-PSDrive, which includes all of the "virtual drives" for the registry, etc.


You will get: DriveLetter, FileSystemLabel, FileSystem, DriveType, HealthStatus, SizeRemaining and Size.

Firstly, on Unix you use mount, not ls /mnt: many things are not mounted in /mnt.

Anyhow, there's the mountvol DOS command, which continues to work in Powershell, and there's the Powershell-specific Get-PSDrive.

On Windows Powershell:

wmic diskdrive
wmic volume

Also the utility dskwipe:

dskwipe.exe -l