list of occurences of references

There are some adjustments to be made. Here's something that should work



\makeindex[name=goals,title=Goal References,columns=1,intoc]

   \index[goals]{Goal~\getrefnumber{goal:#1}!Section \arabic{chapter}.\arabic{section}}

  \vskip \z@ \@plus \p@ 
  \leavevmode #1\nobreak\hfil\nobreak\null\par 


% arrange goal numbering by chapter

% define a shorthand to be able to get at \BODY with \expandafter    
% save a copy of \index
   % here we neutralize \index so that it won't do damages
   % but the main command uses \goalindex, so it's safe
   %{\em label:} #1 %comment in/out to restore/suppress printing label





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have fun in any case\index{fun}

Chapter contents here, referring to some goals:

Reference to a chapter 1 goal: \gref{firstsecond}

Reference to a chapter 2 goal: \gref{secondfirst}


Second reference to a chapter 2 goal: \gref{secondfirst}



I've used refcount and \getrefnumber, otherwise \index would produce different entries.

This is so close to a complete solution, built following Holle's index suggestion and using egreg's imakidx package, that I decided to post it as an answer rather than as an edit to the question. Still missing:

  • the ability to expand the \BODY macro from the environ package inside the call to \index,
  • guarantee that the expanded \BODY always appears first under its goal in the Goal References index, Edit: starting the index with a blank space before \BODY fixes this. Incorporate in in egreg's accepted answer.
  • single column output for that index. Edit: deleting idxlayout package fixes this.

Here's the output from the MWE below, which isn't quite "minimal" since I need to make sure that other features still work.

almost right goals index




%% columns=1 isn't working
\makeindex[name=goals,title=Goal References,columns=1]

   \index[goals]{Goal~\ref{goal:#1}!Section \arabic{chapter}.\arabic{section}}

  \vskip \z@ \@plus \p@ 
  \leavevmode #1\nobreak\hfil\nobreak\null\par 


% arrange goal numbering by chapter

   \index[goals]{Goal~\ref{goal:#1}!BODY here}
   %{\em label:} #1 %comment in/out to restore/suppress printing label




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have fun in any case\index{fun}

Chapter contents here, referring to some goals:

Reference to a chapter 1 goal: \gref{firstsecond}

Reference to a chapter 2 goal: \gref{secondfirst}


Second reference to a chapter 2 goal: \gref{secondfirst}

