Logical operators OR AND in condition and order of conditions in WHERE

There's no guarantee in SQL Server if or in which order the statements will be processed in a WHERE clause. The single expression that allows statement short-circuiting is CASE-WHEN. The following is from an answer I posted on Stackoverflow:

How SQL Server short-circuits WHERE condition evaluation

It does when it feels like it, but not in the way you immediately think of.

As a developer you must be aware that SQL Server does not do short-circuiting like it is done in other programming languages and there's nothing you can do to force it to.

For further details check the first link in the above blog entry, which is leading to another blog:

Does SQL Server Short-Circuit?

The final verdict? Well, I don't really have one yet, but it is probably safe to say that the only time you can ensure a specific short-circuit is when you express multiple WHEN conditions in a CASE expression. With standard boolean expressions, the optimizer will move things around as it sees fit based on the tables, indexes and data you are querying.

In T-SQL, the IF statement can short-circuit, but you cannot rely on it evaluating the expressions in order