Logo and picture on titlepage

The problem is that \author, \title and \date are only definitions, not commands to print this information. These commands in titlepage without \maketitle do nothing. So all is printed when you said \maketitle, that is, after the title page.

Usually you choose between using only \maketitle at the beginning of the document, that print \author, \title and \date at the top of the article (defined before, preferably in the preamble) with a default format, or a titlepage environment to have a title page, where you simply insert what you want with the format that you want.

But in order to clean the document environment, you can also redefine \maketitle so this command followed by a \newpage (or inside titlepage) make all the work:



\date{Septembre 2013}

% Definition of \maketitle
\includegraphics[width = 40mm]{logo.jpg}\\[8ex]
{\Huge \bfseries \sffamily \@title }\\[4ex] 
{\Large  \@author}\\[4ex] 
\includegraphics[width = 40mm]{image.png}


% \thispagestyle{empty}



Fran's solution works, but I prefer the following variant, because it essentially allows you to prepend the title page before the original document, which is sometimes useful.



\title{My Title}
\author{My name}
\date{November 2, 2015}


            {\huge \bfseries  \@title }\\[2ex] 
            {\LARGE  \@author}\\[50ex] 
            {\large \@date}

%Add content for page two here (useful for two-sided printing)

\setcounter{page}{1} %Start the actually document on page 1


