Lottery Ball Problem

edit 2: fixed

General solution for n > 1:

-- lottery2.hs

import System
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe

main = mapM_ print . map (solve . read) =<< getArgs

rdigits 0 = []
rdigits n = (n `mod` 10) : rdigits (n `div` 10)

digits = reverse . rdigits

undigits = foldl ((+) . (10*)) 0

c1 = c . digits

c [] = 0
c [0] = 0
c [_] = 1
c (0:xs) = c xs
c (1:xs) = d xs + c xs + undigits xs
c (x:xs) = c xs + x * (d xs - 1) + 10 ^ length xs

d xs = ds !! length xs

ds = map d' [0..]
  where d' n = c1 (10 ^ n - 1) + 1

maxVal n =
  fst . head . filter (uncurry $ (<) . (*n))
  . map (liftM2 (,) undigits c . (1:) . flip replicate 9) $ [0..]

search f p q a b = s f (uncurry p) q (a, f a) (b, f b)
    s f p q a b
      | not (p a) = Nothing
      | fst a + 1 == fst b = guard (not $ p b) >> return (fst a)
      | a >= b = Nothing
      | q a b = maybe (s f p q k b) Just (s f p q a k)
      | otherwise = Nothing
        where k = ((fst a + fst b) `div` 2, f (fst k))

solve n = fromJust $ search c1 ((>=) . (*n)) q 1 m
    m = maxVal n
    q (a, fa) (b, fb) = (a * n) - fa <= fb - fa

There seems to be a pattern here:

$ ghc -O --make lottery2.hs
Linking lottery2 ...
$ time ./lottery 1 2 3 4 5 6

real    0m3.580s
user    0m3.508s
sys     0m0.020s
$ time ./lottery 7 8 9 10 11 12

real    1m10.855s
user    1m3.868s
sys     0m0.324s

awk (109)

brute force solution

yes|awk -F "" '{c("0123456789",1);c(NR,-1)}function c(C,m,i){for($0=C;NF-i++;)if((t[$i]+=m)<0){print NR-1;exit}}'

The awk does not count in the character count if I understand the rules correctly.
The trick with yes| + NR is a shorter way to define a loop counter than a BEGIN + while or for clause.
Replace ,1 with ,[value of n]. With 1 it returns 199990, with 2 it is still trying to find the answer.

Could write it as:

yes|awk -F "" -v n=1 '{c("0123456789",n);c(NR,-1)}function c(C,m,i){for($0=C;NF-i++;)if((t[$i]+=m)<0){print NR-1;exit}}'

And replace n=1 with n=[whatever value] (now a parameter of the program, for an extra 6 characters plus the number of characters for the value of n. But like I said since it is still trying to compute for n=2, there may be no need to parameterise this version.

I'm sure there must be a much more clever algorithm than plain increment and count. Like a bit of algebra. No time for this... I'll leave that to someone else.