Magento 2: How to get product name by sql query using product ID

Magento uses an EAV table structure for products. Names are stored in catalog_product_entity_varchar. If you have the product ID X, you can query this table directly:

SELECT entity_id, value, store_id FROM catalog_product_entity_varchar
  WHERE entity_id = X AND attribute_id = (
    SELECT attribute_id FROM eav_attribute
    WHERE entity_type_id=4 AND attribute_code='name'

The subquery determines the attribute id for "name", entity_type_id 4 is always the type ID for products.

Note that in a multistore setup you might get multiple values per product. Pay attention to the "store_id" column. "0" stands for the default value.

If your product's id is 1234:

select value from catalog_product_entity_varchar left join eav_attribute on
    eav_attribute.attribute_id = catalog_product_entity_varchar.attribute_id
    eav_attribute.attribute_code='name' and 