Make Java runtime ignore serialVersionUIDs?

How impractical is this to fix ? If you have the source and can rebuild, can you not just run a script over the entire codebase to insert a

private long serialVersionUID = 1L;

everywhere ?

Use CGLIB to insert them into the binary classes?

If you have access to the code base, you could use the SerialVer task for Ant to insert and to modify the serialVersionUID in the source code of a serializable class and fix the problem once for all.

If you can't, or if this is not an option (e.g. if you have already serialized some objects that you need to deserialize), one solution would be to extend ObjectInputStream. Augment its behavior to compare the serialVersionUID of the stream descriptor with the serialVersionUID of the class in the local JVM that this descriptor represents and to use the local class descriptor in case of mismatch. Then, just use this custom class for the deserialization. Something like this (credits to this message):

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class DecompressibleInputStream extends ObjectInputStream {

    private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DecompressibleInputStream.class);
    public DecompressibleInputStream(InputStream in) throws IOException {
    protected ObjectStreamClass readClassDescriptor() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        ObjectStreamClass resultClassDescriptor = super.readClassDescriptor(); // initially streams descriptor
        Class localClass; // the class in the local JVM that this descriptor represents.
        try {
            localClass = Class.forName(resultClassDescriptor.getName()); 
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            logger.error("No local class for " + resultClassDescriptor.getName(), e);
            return resultClassDescriptor;
        ObjectStreamClass localClassDescriptor = ObjectStreamClass.lookup(localClass);
        if (localClassDescriptor != null) { // only if class implements serializable
            final long localSUID = localClassDescriptor.getSerialVersionUID();
            final long streamSUID = resultClassDescriptor.getSerialVersionUID();
            if (streamSUID != localSUID) { // check for serialVersionUID mismatch.
                final StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer("Overriding serialized class version mismatch: ");
                s.append("local serialVersionUID = ").append(localSUID);
                s.append(" stream serialVersionUID = ").append(streamSUID);
                Exception e = new InvalidClassException(s.toString());
                logger.error("Potentially Fatal Deserialization Operation.", e);
                resultClassDescriptor = localClassDescriptor; // Use local class descriptor for deserialization
        return resultClassDescriptor;