Make pm2 log to console

programmatically you can do something like this:

const pm2 = require('pm2')

pm2.connect(function(err) {
  if (err) {
      script             : "server.js",
      output: "/dev/stdout",
      error: "/dev/stderr",
    , function(err, proc) {
      if(err) {
        throw err

I believe you can also see the stdout and stderr of a process that is running daemonized by the command pm2 logs or pm2 logs [app-name].

you can easily achieve that by starting another terminal/console and run this command

 pm2 log

logs everything to the terminal except console.log

 pm2 logs

logs everything to the terminal and console.log

notice the 's' in the second command

Found the answer (their documentation is not that great), just added the --no-daemon flag, seems to have done it. Although, it appears that it's still logging to the file (even when using the flag) on the first uptime. Once the process gets restarted (I'm watching for file changes) it starts logging out to the console


