Make root node in Active Model Serializer

This was covered in RailsCast #409 Active Model Serializers.

In order to remove the root node, you add root: false in the call to render in your controller. Assuming your contacts in JSON come from a contacts#index method, your code may look something like:

def index
  @contacts = Contacts.all
  respond_to do |format|
    format.json { render json: @contacts, root: false }

Or, if you don't want any root nodes in any of your JSON, in your ApplicationController, add the following method:

def default_serializer_options
  {root: false}

For people using ActiveModel::Serializer v0.10.x, you will need to create an initializer and include the following:

# config/initializers/serializer.rb
ActiveModelSerializers.config.adapter = :json
ActiveModelSerializers.config.json_include_toplevel_object = true

Then, just restart your app and you should get the root objects you desire.

This works in Rails 5.1.x. YMMV. HTH.