Make \section unaffected by \parfillskip

The section title is typeset by \@sect, which happily encloses the relevant part in a group. At the end it adds \@@par, which is the primitive \par.

Thus we can safely patch \@sect (for numbered sections) and \@ssect (for unnumbered sections):


\patchcmd{\@sect}{\begingroup}{\begingroup\parfillskip=0pt plus 1fil\relax}{}{}
\patchcmd{\@ssect}{\begingroup}{\begingroup\parfillskip=0pt plus 1fil\relax}{}{}

\section{This is a section title}

% Fill the last line of paragraphs for minimum 25%
\parfillskip 0pt plus 0.75\textwidth
\section{This is a section title}

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