Making REST calls from a react component

You can try this for your render method:

render() {
    var resultNodes =, index) {
        return (
    return (

and don't forget to use .bind(this) for your fetch(...).then(), I don't think it could work without...

There are a couple of errors in your code. The one that's probably tripping you up is the this.setState({items:result.json()})

Fetch's .json() method returns a promise, so it will need to be dealt with as async.


I don't know why .json() returns a promise (if anyone can shed light, I'm interested).

For the render function, here you go...

   {><li key={}>{item.body}</li>)}

Don't forget the unique key!

For the other answer, there's no need to bind map.

Here it is working...

Fetch methods will return a Promise that makes it straightforward to write code that works in an asynchronous manner:

In your case:

  fetch('http://api/call')      // returns a promise object
    .then( result => result.json()) // still returns a promise object, U need to chain it again
    .then( items => this.setState({items}));

result.json() returns a promise, because this it works on a response stream and we need to process entire response first in order to work.