Maven Failsafe plugin - SurefireBooterForkException: There was an error in the forked process (TypeNotPresentExceptionProxy)

This GitHub issue - [#6254] Maven-failsafe-plugin fails to execute integration tests - and the related discussion helped me to solve my problem.

It's a bug. It turns out that newer Failsafe plugin versions (2.19.0 and later) don't work well with Spring Boot 1.4 (or later). Workaround is to downgrade the maven-failsafe-plugin to 2.18.1. Here's the updated pom.xml:

        <!-- I don't specify version at all (Spring Boot can autoconfigure plugin version) -->
                <!-- changed <id> to <phase>, but I don't know whether it's important or not. -->
                <!-- ... no changes here: the same as in the question ... -->

I followed the solution proposed here:

Currently, I have failsafe plugin 2.22.0 and I'm able to use this version and not downgrade by explicitly configuring the classesDirectory property:




Another variant of the workaround is described later in the same Github issue thread:


Note (2020-02-27): maven-failsafe-plugin version 3.0.0-M4 still needs these workarounds :-(