maven override project.version from command line

In Maven 3.5+, if you put the following in your pom.xml


it will use 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT by default, but you can override it on the command line:

mvn -Drevision=2.0.0-SNAPSHOT clean package

Apparently this only works if the placeholder property is called revision (you can also use changelist and sha1 placeholders in your version).


Yes, you can override the project version by passing the required variable from the command line.

Make sure you are using the variable in your pom.xml


mvn deploy -Dversion=1.0-test-SNAPSHOT 

in pom.xml


This should get picked during runtime. If this approach does not works, can you please show how you are using them in your pom.xml ?

Simply you can't override project.version. Try:

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=<version>

Usually, I start by updating the parentPom

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=1.0.3-SNAPSHOT

This would be enough if the parent pom contained all child projects if not you will need to go to a super project that contain all child project and execute

mvn versions:update-child-modules

Also the two previous steps will be enough if the parentPom exists in relative path if not you will need to install parentPom project with the new version

mvn install

Usually this will be enough if you don't have module depend on another module. if you do, declare its version as a project.version like that and it will be reflected automatically


Check the maven Versions Plugin docs.

