Maximum length of byte[]?

The current implementation of System.Array uses Int32 for all its internal counters etc, so the theoretical maximum number of elements is Int32.MaxValue.

There's also a 2GB max-size-per-object limit imposed by the Microsoft CLR.

A good discussion and workaround here...

  • BigArray<T>, getting around the 2GB array size limit

And a few related, not-quite-duplicate, questions and answers here...

  • Is there a limit of elements that could be stored in a List ?
  • Very large collection in .Net causes out-of-memory exception
  • what is the max limit of data into list in c#?

Maximum length of a byte array is: 2130702268. for example:

var countryCodes = new byte[2130702268];

On .NET 4.5 The maximum instantiatable length of a byte array is: 2147483591, or 56 less than int.MaxValue. Found via:

for (int i = int.MaxValue; i > 0; i--)
        byte[] b = new byte[i];
        Console.Out.WriteLine("MaxValue: " + i);
    catch (Exception ignored)