media query for vertical scroll

First off, the accepted answer doesn't work.

The correct name is


and not


Second, this is horribly inefficient as the function is called way more than it needs to and can make the page laggy when scrolled. From John Resig:

Much better to use a timer that runs every 150 ms or so - something like:

var scrolled = false;

window.onscroll = function() {
  scrolled = true;

  if (scrolled) {
    scrolled = false;
    // scrollFunction()
}, 150);

I don't believe it's possible with a CSS media query, but I do know that the scroll height can be found in JavaScript using window.pageYOffset. If you wanted to run this value through a function every time the users scrolled up or down on a page, you could do something like

window.onscroll = function() {

Or just:

window.onscroll = scrollFunctionHere;

If the function itself checked the value of window.pageYOffset.

For more advice on how to do use window.onscroll efficiently in JavaScript, refer to mynameistechno's answer.

Important note on efficiency: running a function every single time a scroll event is emitted can tear through CPU cycles if anything non-trivial is performed in the callback. Instead, it is good practice to only allow a callback to run so many times per second. This has been termed "debouncing".

Simple debounced scroll event handler code below. Notice how the text toggles between "HELLO" and "WORLD" every 250ms, rather than every single frame:

var outputTo = document.querySelector(".output");
var timeout_debounce;

window.addEventListener("scroll", debounce);

function debounce(event) {
    if(timeout_debounce) {

    timeout_debounce = setTimeout(clearDebounce, 250);
// Pass the event to the actual callback.

function clearDebounce() {
    timeout_debounce = null;

function actualCallback(event) {
// Perform your logic here with no CPU hogging.
  outputTo.innerText = outputTo.innerText === "HELLO"
    ? "WORLD"
    : "HELLO";
p {
  padding: 40vh;
  margin: 20vh;
  background: blue;
  color: white;
<p class="output">Test!</p>