Mixing enumerate and tabbing, what's wrong here?

You cannot nest the tabbing environment inside an enumerate in this way. Perhaps this is what you're after - alignment after the -:

enter image description here



\section{Midterm 1}
  \item \df{Determinism} - blabhablabhabhalbha
  \item \leavevmode\rlap{\df{Parsimony}}\phantom{\df{Determinism}} - alalalalalalala

\leavevmode initializes the \item, while \rlap causes a right overlap (zero-width, left-aligned box) of the \phantom (non-existent) content.

This can be automated to some extent using the following setup:

enter image description here

  \item #1%
\section{Midterm 1}
  \item \df{Determinism} - blabhablabhabhalbha
  \item \df{Parsimony} - alalalalalalala
Some text.
  \Item{\df{Determinism}} - blabhablabhabhalbha
  \Item{\df{Parsimony}} - alalalalalalala

You set the maximum-width item using \maxwidth and then use \Item{<item>} in the enumerate list. All subsequent lists will then be typeset with this in mind. There are other ways of doing this, but not knowing the exact usage makes this sufficient, I guess.

if you want also possible linebreaks in the definition


\newcolumntype{S}{@{\stepcounter{Definition}\theDefinition.~} >{\bfseries}l @{~--~}X@{}}

\section{Midterm 1}

Determinism & blabhablabhabhalbha \\
Parsimony   & \lipsum[4]


enter image description here