Modifying a structure

I consider only part you drawn in question (assuming that adding other is no problem to you):


       font = \sffamily,
  BC/.style = {decorate,
        decoration={calligraphic brace, amplitude=3pt,
        pre =moveto, pre  length=1pt,
        post=moveto, post length=1pt,
        raise=2pt, mirror}, 
        pen colour=black
 box/.style = {draw, semithick, fill=#1,
        text width=5em, text depth=0.5ex, minimum height=4ex,
        align=center, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt},
box/.default= none
\foreach \x in {1,...,4} 
    \foreach \y in {1,...,4}
    \node (n\x\y) [box=cyan!30] at (\x*5em,{(3-\y)*4ex}) {Validation};
    \node (n\x\y) [box]         at (\x*5em,{(3-\y)*4ex}) {Training};
    \draw[BC]   (n1\y.north west) -- node[left=5pt] {Fold \y} (n1\y.south west);
\draw[BC]   (n41.north east)
    -- node[above=5pt,align=left] {Data split into 4 partitions} 
            (n11.north west);
\foreach \i in {4,...,1}
    \node (n4\i) [right] at (n4\i.east) {Validation score \# \i};
\draw[BC]   (n44.south east) --
    node[right=5pt,align=left] {Final\\ score\\ average} (n41.north east);

enter image description here

Here is tan adaption that fills the matrix automatically.

 my cell/.style={minimum width=5em,text height=1.1em,text depth=0.3em,draw,anchor=center}, 
 sdiag/.style={row #1 column #1/.style={nodes={my cell,node contents=Validation,fill=gray!10}}},
 Vali/.style={/utils/exec=\stepcounter{Vali},my cell,draw=none,
    node contents=Validation score \#\number\value{Vali}},
 \matrix(mat) [matrix of nodes,nodes in empty cells,
 nodes={my cell,node contents=Training},
 column 5/.style={every node/.style={Vali}},
 column sep=-\pgflinewidth,row sep=-\pgflinewidth]
 { & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
 \foreach \X in {1,...,4}
 {\draw[decorate] (mat.west|-mat-\X-1.south) -- (mat.west|-mat-\X-1.north)
  node[midway,left]{Fold \X};}
 \draw[decorate] (mat-1-1.west|-mat.north) -- (mat-1-4.east|-mat.north)
 node[midway,above]{Data split in 4 partitions};
 \draw[decorate] (mat.north east) -- (mat.south east)
 node[midway,right,align=center]{Final score\\ average};

enter image description here

You can automatize things even further. When the nodes in the matrix are created, their positions get stored in \pgfmatrixcurrentrow and \pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn. This can be used for \ifnum statements.

\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\sffamily,my cell/.style={
 minimum width=5em,text height=1.1em,text
 execute at begin node={
   Validation score \#\the\pgfmatrixcurrentrow
 }, decoration=brace]
 \matrix(mat) [matrix of nodes,nodes in empty cells,
 nodes={my cell}, column sep=-\pgflinewidth,row sep=-\pgflinewidth]
 { & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
 \foreach \X in {1,...,4}
 {\draw[decorate] (mat.west|-mat-\X-1.south) -- (mat.west|-mat-\X-1.north)
  node[midway,left]{Fold \X};}
 \draw[decorate] (mat-1-1.west|-mat.north) -- (mat-1-4.east|-mat.north)
 node[midway,above]{Data split in 4 partitions};
 \draw[decorate] (mat.north east) -- (mat.south east)
 node[midway,right,align=center]{Final score\\ average};