mongodb check if point is in polygon
It seems to be to do with the order. If you are using $geoWithin
and you are trying to find points inside a polygon, the thing that is within is the field you are searching on. However, $geoIntersects
works in either direction, so you can search for points inside polygons, or polygons containing points, eg:
"polygons": {
"coordinates": [[
[ 17.60083012593064, 78.18557739257812],
[ 17.16834652544664, 78.19381713867188],
[ 17.17490690610013, 78.739013671875],
[ 17.613919673106714, 78.73489379882812],
[ 17.60083012593064, 78.18557739257812]
polygons: {
$geoIntersects: {
$geometry: {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [17.3734, 78.4738]
Also, note that, you need to repeat the first point of the polygon at the end. If you remove the final pair, you will get a $err
Can't canonicalize query: BadValue bad geo query" error.
It seems that MongoDB allows you to insert invalid geometries and only complains when you try and add a 2dsphere index or do an intersects/within/near query, which, I suppose is reasonable, as GeoJSON can be valid JSON without being a valid geometry.
Thanks for John Powell here is C# driver version of the same query.
var geometry = new BsonDocument
{ "type", "Point" },
{ "coordinates",
new BsonArray(new double[]{ Longitude,
Latitude} ) }
var geometryOperator = new BsonDocument { { "$geometry", geometry } };
var geoIntersectsOperator = new BsonDocument { { "$geoIntersects", geometryOperator } };
var findField = new BsonDocument { { "geometry", geoIntersectsOperator } };
var results = MyCollection.Find(findField).ToList();