MongoDB - Error: invalid schema, expected mongodb

Try this, it works:


This is because you are using the connection string in an improper format.

You are using localhost:27017/db/chat while it should be mongodb://localhost:27017/db/chat

The pattern for the connection string is mongodb://<HOSTNAME>:<PORT>/<DBNAME>

Article for reference:

Sometimes, error might be with the quotes around environment variables. Remove them once and try. Might help.

Error might be with :

 set DATABASE_URI='mongodb://localhost:1000/my_app' && node index.js

Correct command will be:

  set DATABASE_URI=mongodb://localhost:1000/my_app && node index.js

I just had this issue as well and it was because I had the protocol wrong:


The protocol being wrong can also cause this error. It should be like this:
