Most efficient way to get the last element of a stream
Do a reduction that simply returns the current value:
Stream<T> stream;
T last = stream.reduce((a, b) -> b).orElse(null);
This heavily depends on the nature of the Stream
. Keep in mind that “simple” doesn’t necessarily mean “efficient”. If you suspect the stream to be very large, carrying heavy operations or having a source which knows the size in advance, the following might be substantially more efficient than the simple solution:
static <T> T getLast(Stream<T> stream) {
Spliterator<T> sp=stream.spliterator();
if(sp.hasCharacteristics(Spliterator.SIZED|Spliterator.SUBSIZED)) {
for(;;) {
Spliterator<T> part=sp.trySplit();
if(part==null) break;
if(sp.getExactSizeIfKnown()==0) {
T value=null;
for(Iterator<T> it=recursive(sp); it.hasNext(); );
return value;
private static <T> Iterator<T> recursive(Spliterator<T> sp) {
Spliterator<T> prev=sp.trySplit();
if(prev==null) return Spliterators.iterator(sp);
Iterator<T> it=recursive(sp);
if(it!=null && it.hasNext()) return it;
return recursive(prev);
You may illustrate the difference with the following example:
String s=getLast(
IntStream.range(0, 10_000_000).mapToObj(i-> {
System.out.println("potential heavy operation on "+i);
return String.valueOf(i);
It will print:
potential heavy operation on 9999999
In other words, it did not perform the operation on the first 9999999 elements but only on the last one.