Mount zip file as a read-only filesystem

fuse-zip is an option and claims to be faster than the competition.

# fuse-zip -r /mnt

archivemount is another:

# archivemount -o readonly  /mnt

Both will probably need to open the whole archive, therefore won't be particularly quick. Have you considered extracting the ZIP to a HDD or USB-stick beforehand and simply mounting that read-only?

You can use fuse-zip to mount zip as read only.

1 -- Install fuse-zip on your system.


sudo apt-get install fuse-zip


yum install fuse-zip

2 -- Run below command to mount zip as read only.

fuse-zip -o ro /path/ /path/to/mount/directory

3 -- Use below command to unmount directory

fusermount -u /path/to/mount/directory